Here are a couple of before pictures so you can get an idea of how much work we really had to put into it. It was a hot mess! Whoever owned it before me did not take very good care of it.
My husband, David and my dad helped me by repairing the sliding mechanism in the top drawer. David also filled the holes with putty so that I would have a smooth surface to paint.
After the putty dried, we sanded it down and cleaned it up. Then it was ready to paint! I used Valspar Satin White paint. It was around $10 at Lowe's. I did two coats of paint and still had plenty left over.
Here it is after the first coat of paint;
I left it dry for 24 hours and then added another coat. After the second coat, I waited another 24 hours to assemble it. Here is a close up of the knobs I chose. They are also from Lowe's.
I was so excited to finally see it come together! Here it is in all its glory!
Even though it does look cute next to my bed, I will be using it as an end table in my future office. What do you think? I just love it!